
Life in Community

College Blog • Friday, 11 Sept 2020

What a year 2020 has been. If we were to go back to January 1, when we may have set goals for the year, we could not see where the year would take us. What a different year this one has been!

Before COVID, many of us were in the midst of hectic days, meeting the demands of after school commitments for our children, moving at a fast pace, trying to meet the needs of the day and excel at all that we do. We work to be the best parents we can be, the best partners we can be, the best at our job, and care for our health and well-being. We try and be friendly to our neighbours and connect in with the community here at the College.

During COVID, there have been many changes, some subtle and others not so. One thing that I think we have noticed in this season of COVID is possibly a step away from our usual community connections: a church that has a smaller number of people allowed to meet face to face with restrictions, sporting teams and events that have limited spectators, smaller family gatherings, a stop to other craft or social groups that we may join with to feel connected and supported in this journey that is life.

It is in this season of restrictions and changes that we could enjoy the slower pace of life, the time to reconnect with family and loved ones without the greater demands of busy lives. We may have found extra time in each day for some who no longer need to include travel time into their day as they are now able to work from home.

I am reminded during this slower pace that one of the essential things in our lives is the investment and time spent with people and ultimately, our relationship with our Heavenly father. There is great importance in the community, in connection with others, in feeling accepted and valued by those who share similarity with you.

Communities are working for solutions to continue to remain connected with each other: finding connections through Zoom or other applications online. Through smaller group get-togethers. Through any way possible at times.

Christian community is about sharing a common life in Christ. It moves us beyond merely fulfilling our own needs and prompts us to look towards the needs of others instead. To love one another, forgive each other, regard each other more highly than ourselves. To teach and correct each other, encourage each other, pray for each other, and bear each other’s burdens. Be friends with one another, kind, compassionate, and generous in hospitality. Serve one another and submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. This list scratches the surface, but it is enough to remind us that we need the community of others to grow up in Christ. We are called to love and support each other.

A strong Christian community is a witness to the power and presence of God in the world. It demonstrates by character and action that it can be a witness to others of His love for us to emulate. Community shows God’s love in a time where self and busyness often prevail.

We all feel the need for connection, for community. We are blessed at the College that we have such a fantastic community, with positive and meaningful relationships. Let me encourage you to continue to look for ways to connect with our community. Use the closed Facebook pages to connect and support each other. Check-in with someone and see how they are. Share a smile and a wave in the Kiss and Go line in the afternoon.

Let’s continue to build a community that shows genuine love, care and support in the things that we say and do and by this, be a witness of His love to the world.

Tara Waller
Head of Primary Years