

Our Pre-School rooms are designed for children aged three turning four in the lead up to preparing for school.  We have two Preschool rooms with a small group of children allowing for strong relationships to be built with the educators as this can often be a child's first introduction to centre-based care.  As our philosophy states, we aim to provide an environment which is safe, secure and supportive while still allowing children to take risks and challenges that encourage them to stretch their capacity and capability. 
Our educators provide a play-based learning environment aimed at promoting children's independence and self help skills.  Our rooms are well-resourced with open-ended materials allowing children to explore and investigate their ideas alongside their peers.  Educators start to introduce structured learning and intentional teaching throughout the day to extend on each child's learning and development in a holistic manner.

Learning in the Pre-School Rooms

Our ELC provides a play-based learning program in which children engage in project learning, experiences designed to further their holistic growth and development and extend their curiosity and interest.  In the Pre-School room we introduce the DIG program which is based on the Building Purposeful Lives framework (BPL). 

Our DIG time in the Pre-School room is a highly interactive and child-focused time in our program in which children work with their peers to explore new ideas.

For the children in the Pre-School Room, educators provide a 30 minute session in which children develop their knowledge and understanding of the dispositions found within the BPL.  The children focus on one disposition each term which is clearly defined and reinforced by specially designed learning experiences.  The children in the Pre-School room are introduced to the term of grappling - a point in their learning of a new skill or a deeper understanding for which they are trying to own for themselves.  These key dispositions are introduced alongside a character of which represents that disposition - Percy the Persevering Parrot, Nellie the Noticing Numbat.