
Camps & Excursions


All students in Years 3-12 attend an annual camp that complements the College's commitment to holistic education. As such, it is a compulsory part of our comprehensive curriculum experience. Over the course of the camp program, students are introduced in a timely manner to age-appropriate outdoor challenges in a positive pastoral context. Camps also present an opportunity for programmed spiritual instruction and time for reflection.

Camps are regarded as normal College activities and absences, other than for legitimate reasons, will be recorded as an unexplained or unjustified absence.
Information about camps will be circulated well ahead of the date of the event. It is necessary for parents to sign permission forms for camp. Please attend to these forms promptly to assist with camp administration

Years 3 & 4 Camp – Outdoor Education

Years 3 and 4 are such an exciting period in our students’ development! They begin to earn their independence and are introduced to responsibility in a range of contexts. We encourage creative thinking and present an integrated program that remains grounded in a Biblical worldview. Our passionate teachers scaffold, support, prompt, encourage and conference with their students as ideas of a more abstract nature are introduced and students gain confidence in their own abilities. Individuals are valued and respected and there is an expectation that each student will work hard to reach their own potential.

Bush Skills
The Years 3 and 4 camps take place together in a bush setting. The purpose of the Years 3 and 4 camp is to develop positive peer networks, be involved in team building exercises, develop resilience and co-operation skills.

This camp takes place in two parts. Year 4 spend three days and two nights at camp, while Year 3 enjoy spending two days and one night at camp. This gradual introduction to College camping helps our students to adjust smoothly to being away from home and helps to develop the skills and responsibilities desired. 

The Year 4 experience has the added excitement of two nights away from home. It focuses further on life skills and responsibilities by completing tasks of self-care and chores needed at the camp (washing up, making beds, setting tables etc).

Years 5 & 6 Camp – Bathurst Goldfields & Canberra

Years 5 and 6 students continue to learn to exercise their independence, both as learners and leaders, in preparation for their transition to the Secondary Years. Camps in Years 5 and 6 are closely aligned with curriculum taught in each grade. Teachers assume the role of facilitators who aim to evoke in students a higher level of independent cognitive function. We train students to take responsible 'risks' with their learning in order to achieve set goals.

Bathurst Goldfields and Canberra
The camps in Years 5 and 6 add a strong academic focus to the outdoor and travel skills developed in the Years 3 and 4 camps. These camps reinforce concepts taught in academic units on the Gold Rush and Australian Government. They provide hands-on, life experiences to assist understanding of unfamiliar situations and complex concepts in each student’s learning journey, and further develop positive relationships with their peers.

Year 7 – Youthworks

Our Year 7 students participate in an outdoor education program designed to enhance student well-being and confidence through a series of personal challenges and teamwork initiatives in a natural setting. These three day experiences encourage students to deepen and widen their circle of friends, creating opportunities for them to discover not only their own, but each other's value.

These experiences have always been highly regarded by staff and students alike, and are scheduled earlier in the school year to maximise a sense of belonging amongst our youngest Secondary students. College staff attend with their Mentor Groups where possible to build their relationship with the students. Christian Discovery sessions are an integral part of the program each day and for these we are aided by committed Christian staff provided by the camp centres.

Activities on Year 7 camp include canoeing, rock climbing, team building initiatives, bush cooking, waterslides, sailing, fishing and archery.

Year 8 – Wedderburn

Our Year 8 students will participate in a three-day camp at Crusaders Camp, Galston, packed with exciting activities to teach new skills and to challenge the students to stretch their comfort zones. With activities including rock climbing, archery, flying fox, low ropes course and initiative games, these activities aim to encourage teamwork, problem-solving, communication and leadership in our students. All activities are run and observed by campsite professionals as well as College staff. This camp will be a formative time for students to grow and create new friendships, to discover new talents and interests and witness Australia’s beautiful bushland landscapes. Similarly to Year 7 camp, this camp will also include Christian Discovery sessions which will provide an opportunity for our committed Christian staff to explore Christianity with the students.

Year 9 – Urban Challenge Camp

Our Year 9 students will immerse themselves in an action-packed three-day camp at CCC Camps Hawkesbury. Activities include canoeing, raft building, beach games, crate stack, tower rock climb, tower abseiling, bush initiatives and archery. Developing resilience, teamwork, leadership and growing in their Christian faith are the key focus areas during our stay. The day and night program is designed to encourage students to step out of their comfort zones and live the adventures, whilst developing these key qualities which they will carry with them through life. All activities are run and observed by campsite professionals and College staff. The camp provides an opportunity for students to grow and create new friendships, to discover new talents and interests and witness Australia’s beautiful bushland landscapes. This camp also aims to deliver a devotional program over the time we have together, where students are challenged to assess their own faith and perspectives about a range of issue relevant to them, including growing with integrity, overcoming obstacles and developing a sense of purpose as they begin their latter adolescent years.

Year 10 - Somerset

Our students in Year 10 will participate in an outdoor camp program, at the Somerset Outdoor Learning Centre located on the Colo River. This outdoor camp will test students by their participation in varying water, track, ropes, team and down-low activities. Throughout this three day experience, students will get to explore and admire the natural surroundings of Somerset while they strengthen their friendships and practice independence through teamwork and problem solving based activities. 

This time away is a chance for Year 10 students to work as independent groups, taking charge by managing their timings, equipment and meals. All groups will be accompanied by Somerset’s qualified Group Leaders and our College staff. Year 10 camp will provide another opportunity for our College staff to discuss and explore the Christian faith with the students, and how their own faith impacts their lives now and as they progress into their final years of schooling.

Year 11 – Ski Camp

Ski Camp is a highlight experience for our Year 11 students and for many it is their first time in a winter alpine region. This camp is a five day experience travelling by coach to Jindabyne. From here, students travel to the slopes at Perisher to experience all that this wonderland has to offer. Fully qualified instructors lead ski lessons targeted at different ability levels to ensure that students are safely equipped to enjoy their time on the fields. College staff are also on the slopes each day, and are available to assist and support students on their ski adventure. Our longest College camp is always an unforgettable experience, where students are encouraged to step outside their comfort zones and engage in activities that stretch them and give them a sense of accomplishment and confidence.

Year 12 – Study Camp

Our HSC Study Camp takes place in a picturesque bushland or seaside location. Led by College staff, students participate in a study skills and practical study workshop designed to engage them deeply with their own studies and the best study processes. Students are mentored by teachers across all subject areas and are often able to receive targeted tuition to give them not only greater skill, but also greater confidence in their own abilities. The camp incorporates specific sessions that address the importance of spiritual as well as general health and well-being, including managing stress. The camp is punctuated by outdoor recreational activities to give students a well-earned break.


From time to time your child will be required to attend excursions that form part of the curriculum and are therefore compulsory. In many cases, components of excursions are mandated by the Board of Studies and Educational Standards and failure to attend will require alternate work to be completed by the student to meet the necessary outcomes.

Information about excursions will be circulated well ahead of the date of the event. It is necessary for parents to give permission for each outing.

All documents requiring parent permissions and notifications will be submitted electronically for events that require your child to be off campus. The College will notify parents of a document requiring their attention via email (and/or SMS in some circumstances).

Parents will then be required to:
1. Log in to Edumate or the Norwest App.
2. On the right hand side you will see the ‘To Do’ section. Listed here will be information about your child/ren's event or document.
3. To indicate their permission or acknowledgement, click on the 'Action' link. There is also an opportunity to write any special notes or requirements for your child in this screen.

It is important that all permissions and acknowledgements are granted in a timely manner, generally within 3 school days, to enable the College to proceed with booking commitments. Students without permission to attend an event by the due date will be expected to attend school and participate in alternate arrangements for the day.

Some excursions, generally in the Secondary Years, may require students to meet outside regular College hours, depending on the experience to be undertaken. Where this presents extreme difficulties, please contact the organising teacher prior to the excursion date.

Students are required to wear the clothing and bring the equipment specified on the excursion notification form. Failure to do so is likely to mean the student is unable to participate in the excursion. On some occasions parental help is requested and the time spent on the excursion contributes to Parent Participation hours. You will receive information on such occasions. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to take every volunteer parent on an excursion.

Any parent involved in College-based activities must be an Approved Volunteer, having completed the online Volunteer Induction Course and providing the College with a current Working With Children Check number prior to any specific activity involving students. Optional field trips and mission trips are organised from time to time outside of the compulsory camp program (see Overseas Trips).